What prompted you to make this film?
In 2017, a referendum on independence was held in Catalonia. This referendum caused a conflict between the local government in Barcelona and the central government in Madrid. The conflict was covered in the world press calmly, without hysteria. The positions of the Catalans became clear, and the positions of the authorities in Madrid also became clear. In short, the desire for Catalonia to secede had purely economic motives. The region provides a large part of Spain's national income and pays high taxes. Secession from Spain would provide a higher standard of living for the Catalans. The authorities in Madrid sent police units, who used force against some of those wishing to participate in the referendum. Some polling stations were closed, and ballot papers were confiscated. About 340 people suffered from clashes with the police, but there were no deaths or serious injuries.
At that time, a war had been going on in Donbass for more than three years. The conflict there started because of the desire of certain forces for the country to take the path of joining the European Union and the reluctance in the eastern part of the country for this to happen. Here, the conflict was much deeper, because the eastern industrial part of the country, upon joining the EU, would lose its economic ties with its main partner at that time – Russia, which would lead to an economic collapse with serious consequences. Apart from that, with the signing of the association agreement with the EU, goods from the EU would enter the country duty-free, with which local goods would not be competitive, and this would start economic turmoil. And of course, the majority of people in the eastern part simply would not want their country to be in a bloc that has declared Russia an enemy.
After the Yanukovych government postponed the Association Agreement with the EU, protests began in Kiev at the end of 2013 according to a well-known pattern - with external funding and influence and with the usual slogans of fighting corruption, freedom, democracy, etc., which usually attract people. The protest quickly crossed the boundaries of legality, clashes began between some of the protesters and law enforcement agencies with victims on both sides. In early 2014, the government agreed to early elections, an agreement was signed with the opposition. However, supporters of European integration clearly did not want to risk elections and on the very day after the agreement was signed, after the withdrawal of security forces from the city center, armed "protesters" seized the government district, after which the replacement of the government began - that is, a classic armed coup.
At that time, the Ukrainian media, directed by external forces and local oligarchs, were inciting wild hatred towards the opponent. The coup authorities began banning the Russian language in the country. Protests and counter-protests began throughout Ukraine, with the new authorities not only withdrawing from taking adequate measures to prevent clashes, but even encouraging them with inaction. The culmination of these clashes was the burning of dozens of people in Odessa with ‘Molotov cocktails’.
Under the threat that the new government would provide the US naval base in Crimea and a new “Caribbean crisis”, Russia helped hold a referendum on the peninsula, recognized its results and got back Crimea to its composition. In two of the regions – Donetsk and Lugansk – reciprocal actions were taken to the coup in Kiev, referendums on independence were held and two republics were declared – Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics.
Kiev's reaction was to send heavily armed military units to the two republics, which began indiscriminate and untargeted shelling of the settlements that remained under the control of the "separatists". I put separatists in quotes because in the described situation, it is difficult to understand who exactly is a separatist. A militia was organized in the republics and a full-fledged war began.
Then there were two peace agreements, and after the second – Minsk-2, the war entered a positional phase. Everything could have ended in 2015 if Ukraine had been left to decide its own fate. The agreement included the return of the two seceded regions to Ukraine on a federal basis. All that was needed was a change in the Constitution and the start of negotiations on the details of the agreement. However, urged by the Western allies, the authorities in Kiev used Minsk-2 to build a strong army and resolve the conflict by military means. It was clear that at the first signs of the implementation of this plan, Russia would intervene, which happened in 2022.
However, unlike the events in Catalonia, these things were not discussed in a normal way in Europe. The media of the “free world” hysterically spread lie after lie. The media and politicians created a parallel reality in which the democratic country of Ukraine was attacked by its bad neighbor Russia, the coup was presented as a democratic change of power, the militias were shelling themselves every day, and the peace agreement was not implemented by Russia, even though it was only a guarantor for the republics in it.
During my first visit to Ukraine, which was in early 2016, I saw that Ukraine, the country that is on our planet, and Ukraine that is “in the mainstream” of Europe, have absolutely nothing in common, except for the name. This was extremely shocking to me and I had a strong urge to go to the war zone and learn more about this war. I could not believe that the so-called democratic world could support a government that methodically and deliberately would kill its own citizens, driven by some goals imposed from the outside.
A line of unconditional and unprincipled support for the one side in the conflict imported from the outside was adopted. Under the cover of a lie, all peace initiatives were thwarted, and the pouring of money and weapons to continue the war "to the last Ukrainian" and with the main goal of maximum damage to Ukraine and Russia, and indirectly to Europe, was presented as aid to Ukraine.
It's shocking, but these days, when information has so many opportunities to reach people, the latter can be so easily manipulated.
Initially, I decided to start an information project about what was happening in Donbas, but it was not very successful. Then I decided to try a documentary that would show the most important thing at that moment - namely terrorism and the massacre of civilians, tacitly supported by the West.
I had a somewhat naive idea that if this information reached the societies of Europe, it might help to end the war quickly. I say naive not because it wouldn't work, but because, as it turned out, the mainstream "heroically" kept people from getting this information.
The main thing I wanted to achieve with this film was for the viewer to come to the conclusion for themselves that whatever conflicts there are in a society, they should not be resolved with state terrorism.